Designing Social Campaign for The Usage of Travel Insurance

  • Yolanda Astarie Milenia Setiawan Universitas Multimedia Nusantara
  • Darfi Rizkavirwan Universitas Multimedia Nusantara
Keywords: usage, risks, traveling, traveller, travel insurance, design, media


With the current growth of traveling in Indonesia, the needs of travel insurance are very important for every traveller since there are a lot of risks that could happen anytime while traveling. Unfortunately, the number of travel insurance usage in Indonesia is still very low. 52.2% respondents of the research never use travel insurance before. The proportion of travel insurance is only about less than 10% of total national’s insurance premium. In this report, the author will design how to communicate the increasement for the usage of travel insurance for traveller through social campaign and to design the visual that show the bad possibilities that could happen without a travel insurance through social campaign. The author has collected data by doing interviews, questionnaire, and Focus Group Discussion. By designing this project, the author hopes that the literacy and penetration of the travel insurance will increase.


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How to Cite
Setiawan, Y., & Rizkavirwan, D. (2020). Designing Social Campaign for The Usage of Travel Insurance. International Conference of Innovation in Media and Visual Design, 1(1), 50-65.