Campaign Design About Oxybenzone and Octinoxate-Based Sunblock Hazards for Survival of Coral Reefs in Bali

  • Joscelind Lukas Universitas Multimedia Nusantara
  • Darfi Rizkavirwan Universitas Multimedia Nusantara
Keywords: Coral Reef, Sunblock, Campaign, design, media, Sunscreen, Bali, Damage


The condition of coral reefs in several locations in Indonesia is indeed in critical condition and the impact of damage continues to grow every year. Sunscreen, which is one of the mandatory requirements used for skin protection to prevent sunburn, has dangerous substances oxybenzone and octinoxate, causing unconscious damage. Substances in sunscreens make coral reefs lose their adaptability to climate change which also damages coral reefs and prevents the growth of coral reefs. This topic is important because coral reefs have many ecological, social and economic influences and benefits that are very useful for life. Therefore, it is necessary to design a campaign that is made with the aim that this topic can increase awareness of campaign targets and readers with information that can be accounted for so that the risks of damage to coral reefs can be reduced. This design is carried out through the process of collecting data, formulating strategies, thinking ideas, designing visuals, and applying them to campaigns.


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How to Cite
Lukas, J., & Rizkavirwan, D. (2020). Campaign Design About Oxybenzone and Octinoxate-Based Sunblock Hazards for Survival of Coral Reefs in Bali. International Conference of Innovation in Media and Visual Design, 1(1), 109-123.